lundi 14 mai 2007

my room. tonight alone for the last time.

This WAS supposed to be our Sweden post. but thankfully i have a very very understanding girlfriend who understood my need to stay in my room for the last last time and just slack. and breathe. and recuperate from travelling tiredness. I love you Fang, and these few nights just watching Youtube together, House, Corner with Love, Heroes and movies were just so good. You are right, even if we didnt really make many international friends, we cemented our friendships here, together with Alvi and Rosh. So it's all worth it. I'm so sad that we're leaving this place soon. Sigh... I'll miss my bed, my messy room, my peace and quiet, and the whole ease of just being free and not tied down by school work, responsibilities and commitments. I will miss Rouen very much...

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