Mont Saint Michel is soooo pretty! Even though it cost us a BOMB to get there... Imagine 7 hours of travelling for 3 hours of sightseeing... Well worth it though, how can i say that i came to Rouen without going to one of the top 10 France attractions that happens to be so near? The abbey on top of a hill, surrounded by alot of sand and islands nearby... Where it would flood in the morning and cars wouldnt be able to park. Touristy though, and therefore, expensive to lunch in. But that wasn't really a deterrent. :P
The highlight of the trip was when we walked to the sandy area (there's quick sand!)and in Fang's anxiety to step on the least squishy area, she stepped on a REALLY SQUISHY area! hahahahahaha... :D it's soooooooooo funny i couldnt stop laughing for very very very long. but aiyah, poor thing, her black pumps is now er, grey. :P But nonetheless, she was such a great sport (only whined a liiiiiiiiitle )and we managed to have alot of goofy fun together... :P
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